a view to the well known pond in the copeland forest

Temporary Trail Closure for Repairs

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry will be conducting trail repairs that include the installation of culverts on one of the main Copeland trails. The location of this repair work is the main trail between Parking Lot 1 and Parking Lot 2  (see our

Launch of 2016 Workplan

We have some exciting news that just came in.  The Copeland Forest Friends Association 2016 Work Plan has been approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. The 2016 Work Plan is part of a three year plan focusing on trail management and ecology
Horseback Riders on the 3rd line of Copeland Forest

Gifts and Responsibilities

Horseback riders were granted an extra gift this year, when we were able to ride in the Copeland Forest all through the fall and almost up until Christmas, due to the lack of snow (with the exception of a couple of snowfalls that melted quickly).

Memo of Understanding signed with MNRF

The Copeland Forest Friends Board had a lot to celebrate at their first meeting since the launch October 3rd.  One was signing the MOU with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests, which Mary Anne Greatrix is holding up here.  Mary Anne is the Board’s