The Copeland Forest has an extensive network of dual track and single track trails that are open to all non-motorized users. The Association’s priority is to ensure the health of the forest while providing for all a wide range of recreational opportunities on these trails.
Final Trail Plan published Jan 30, 2024
After a 2+ year study process with the engagement of the local community and forest users, CFFA has developed the final Trail Plan for the Copeland Forest. The Trail Plan recommends various measures to address identified trail related issues. This includes the identification of trails in need of improvements including trail section rerouting and limited closures (seasonal and permanent). The final Trail Plan considered comments submitted on the Draft Trail Plan that was released in late 2023. A summary of the comments received and responses to those comments are included.
The final Trail Plan is available on the CFFA website at Trail Plan 2024. CFFA is also in the process of creating a map that will outline the endorsed trail network. The map will be available on the CFFA website at a future date. It is also the intention to update the Trail Forks app including the proposed trail name changes as per the Trail Plan.
CFFA plans to begin the implementation of the Tail Plan recommendations starting in spring 2024. It is expected that full implementation of the recommendations will take several years. We will need local community and trail user volunteers to support the planned improvements. Please keep an eye out for future communications regarding implementation including requests for volunteers.

An environmental Assessment of the trails
An extensive environmental impact review of the trails was completed and used as input to the Trail Plan.
Read the Environmental Ecology report here.
Members Trail Plan Survey Results
In 2022 a survey of Forest users was completed to capture opinions and thoughts on the state of the trail network. This results of this survey was used by the Trail Committee as input to the Trail Plan. Read the Survey Results here.