Spring Garlic Mustard Exploratory Hike

Join the Garlic Mustard Team and members of the Ganaraska Hiking Club for an early Spring walk looking for garlic mustard rosettas and generally learning about this invasive plant and the varied forest floor vegetation at risk.  They may even pick some rosettes. Date April

Copeland Forest Update – Trails Moratorium to Protect Forest

Over the past two years, many community residents have reached out to Copeland Forest Friends Association expressing concern about the continued building of single-track trails in the Copeland Forest, despite it being already saturated with trails. Copeland Forest Friends Association (CFFA), a not-for-profit organization charged

Ticks and Lyme Disease

A recent edition of the online newspaper, Barrie Today, reports that active surveillance in 2018, by the Simcoe-Muskoka District Health Unit, has found blacklegged ticks in the Amos Tract, part of the Copeland Forest.  Blacklegged ticks may be infected with Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that